Most career change comes about through serendipity, not linear planning. Research shows that nearly every career choice and career change includes an element of luck or chance. For example, you run into an old college friend who tells you about a job opening in his company. You hadn’t considered this field but you take the […]
Career Planning
Career Change Book: Recommended
So far I’ve found two career books to recommend: Working Identity (Herminia Ibarra) and Finding Your Own North Star (Martha Beck). Now I’m adding this one to the list. Beck focuses mostly on choosing what you want; Ibarra talks about the search process. Now I recommend The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention by Pamela Mitchell. […]
Is your career feeling sluggish and unmotivated?
Could your career use a 30 day “Wow it’s time to do something different and I want to get out there and start winning games….instead of sitting on the sidelines and watching others score the points?” I just opened the doors to a totally awesome new un-program. Here’s the concept: Who?: Any midlife, mid-career professional […]
15 career change blogs to investigate
Well, this blog isn’t there, but you already know about it, right? So go here and decide which blogs you would like to follow. I recommend tracking many different sources of career advice; After awhile you start to get a sense of which one’s got the goods and which one’s got the fluff. I like […]
Career Advice: Challenge your social environment
When career change seems stalled, take a look at the people in your life. The people you hang out with will influence your success in many ways. Sadly, you may have to bite the bullet and release negative people from your life. Don’t be too quick to drop someone who’s having a bad day. But […]
Career Change: From Detour to Express Road
Career counselors, career coaches and career guidebooks often give the impression that career change happens in a straight line. But in fact career change typically happens in a zig zag: you move in one direction and then another and eventually realize you’ve landed in the right place. Career change can also take a lesson from […]