Photo by IMG_1979 from Pexels
Why Career Decisions Are Different From Accounting Decisions
Career change: Coming home to your new career
Relocation Checklist: Top Tips For The Temporary Move
Question: “It’s only three months. Or six months. Or a year. How bad can it be?” Answer: Truly, truly awful.You may need a temporary move because your career calls for a short-term assignment. You may be renting while you build your dream house. You may have relocated temporarily to help a close friend or family […]
Moving Tips When Relocation Feels Like You’ve Made A Mistake
When you read about relocation, your find that moving tips tend to focus on the departure area. What should you pack? How do you start planning in advance – 6 months, 3 months, 6 weeks, 1 week … on to M-Day. The truth is, relocation stress often starts after you’ve arrived. You just moved to […]
Moving Tips Video: 3 Relocation Myths That Will Cost You Money, TIme and Freedom
Relocation stress is extremely common. Moving is a challenging life transition and is one of the top stressors. Yet often it’s hard to find resources to deal with the transition, in direct contrast to other experiences like divorce or bereavement. Scroll down to watch a video summarizing the 3 myths that make the situation even […]