A really good set of tips for seeking advice in a tight economy: Click here. Especially good points about reaching out to others via FB and holiday cards. Thanks to Jill Pugh, Employment Opportunity, for noting this article on her blog.
mid-life career change
When Career Change Seems Hopeless
Recently I came across this question in my e-mail: How do I change my perception of my ability to make a positive career change in the face of continued disappointments? Here are a few questions to create a context for exploration. (1) What are some common elements among all your diverse jobs and careers? If […]
Job search made easier with this brave interview guide
As a career consultant, I work mostly with midlife, midcareer professionals who are most definitely not cowards. But I would still recommend this book. First, I like the way Piotrowski suggests solid answers to tough questions. Most interview questions are pretty dumb but you have to keep a straight face and answer them anyway. (Like […]