As a career consultant, I work mostly with midlife, midcareer professionals who are most definitely not cowards. But I would still recommend this book.
First, I like the way Piotrowski suggests solid answers to tough questions. Most interview questions are pretty dumb but you have to keep a straight face and answer them anyway. (Like the time someone half your age asks, “What are your strengths?” Gimme a break. I want to say, “I survived.”)
Second, Chapter 5 (“Put muscle into your interviewing”) will help you create your resume as well as prepare for your interview. In fact, I would read this chapter before writing your resume (and I would ignore the author’s suggestion about functional resumes — even if you are changing careers 180 degrees, don’t do it). You’ll feel strong and confident if you work through the challenges.
Third, the book gives you exercises in every chapter. So if you’re between jobs and you’re waiting for the phone to ring, no more excuses! Start working your way through these exercises. You’ll be better prepared for your next phone call.
I think this book works on several levels. Even if you’re self-employed, you may have to endure an interview before tackling a big project. Try it out here.