The Surprisingly Simple Way To Change Your Life When You Feel Really Stuck
Intuition For Business And Career Decisions
Midlife Career Quote: Is it a “fear” or a “no?”
Today’s New York Times magazine included an interesting article on an extreme danger sport – base jumping. People wear special flight suits as they leap off a cliff, experiencing flight sensations for several minutes. You can read the article here. Be warned: it’s not the cheeriest article in the world. One small part of the […]
Career change without career change: Step 2b
How to tell when it’s time to toss outdated inventory and get a shipment of new people in your life: (1) When you talk to someone, you feel drained afterward. (2) You seem to have less motivation as the days, weeks and months go by. (3) You stop seeking ways to grow. (4) You feel […]
“Just one more thing…”
I once got a call from a life coach looking for a new career. I agreed to talk for 15 minutes at no charge. As we got into the conversation, she mentioned that she was talking to 21 coaches before making up her mind. She followed up our call with a dozen more questions I […]