Career changers often hire coaches to help them make substantive changes so they can advance in their careers and perhaps even find a whole new path. Often these coaches will encourage you to begin a daily practice, such as keeping a journal or meditating. These activities might seem a little simplistic – even silly – […]
First Impressions
Marci Alboher writes in her blog about the book Sway — why we respond to irrational impulses. Interviewing the authors, she uncovered an important reality: first impressions count. One described a lawyer who worked hard to impress everyone as a hard worker: first in, last out, few breaks, no personal calls. As time went on, […]
Willpower : Myth or reality?
Today’s New York Times included an article on willpower, written by two psychologists. You can read it here The article, written by 2 reputable researchers, seems to suggest that willpower is like a muscle. As you get used to setting limits for yourself, self-discipline gets easier. Researchers like to experiment with food. For example, […]