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Mid-Life Career Strategy: When a Harvard MBA won’t make a difference
Mid-Life Career Change: Do you need a top named school to find a new career?
“Norman” had been working for 15 years with great success. His mid-life career change came from a decision to move to a new state to be closer to his family, he discovered he would need a certification from an approved university. He found certification programs at a variety of venues, from a community college to […]
Mid-Life Career Strategy: Does an MBA Make Sense For Career Planning?
Mid-life career changers often consider returning to school. Here are 3 reasons why you might consider getting an MBA… and when you might consider doing something else. (1) Supplementing skills in a field where you are already successful. An MBA degree has become extremely popular as a second degree to supplement an existing specialty. For […]
Mid-Life Career Change: Choosing an MBA or Doctoral Program Online
Choosing the wrong school can be hazardous to your bank account, your goals and even your current job. On October 10, 2004, Sixty Minutes (a CBS-TV news program) featured a segment about a “university” that claimed to offer degrees through online courses. Many students believed they were signing up for a legitimate program. After all, […]
MBA course on leadership values draws attention
Stewart Friedman, a professor at the Wharton School teaches a popular course on aligning personal core values with corporate careers. According to the New York Times article, the course is somewhat like a life coaching session. Before registering (the course is elective, not required), students must agree to share details of their personal lives and […]