Managing Risk and Uncertainty In Your Career
3 Ferocious Career Killers (and how to avoid them)
In her book What To Do With the Rest of Your Life, Robin Ryan identifies 10 career killers. Today we’ll look at two and explore a third, all related to self-presentation. Click here to look up the book. Killer #1: Wait to be noticed. Expect that you’ll be recognized if you do good work, so […]
5 Easy Business Ideas (Almost) Anyone Can Use
Looking for ways to tart your own business? Here are five EASY business ideas I’ve never seen — but I’m convinced there’s a need. (1) Virtual assistant publicity When I published my book, Making the Big Move, I needed to spread the word. But the logistics were daunting. For example, I wanted to send […]
Five ideas for your own micro-business
So you want to start a business … nothing big, no major investment, lots of flexibility? Here are five ideas: (1) Virtual assistant publicity When I published my book, Making the Big Move, I needed to spread the word. But the logistics were daunting. For example, I wanted […]
When you MUST become an entrepreneur
Today’s Wall Street Journal features a story about ex-convicts who started their own business. A classic example would be a former computer hacker who now consults on security. You can read the story here. This story isn’t new. Frank Abegnale, hero of the book and movie Catch Me If You Can, became a security consultant. […]