With all the buzz about Law of Attraction, it’s easy to forget that we attract naturally when we behave a certain way.
For example: My young neighbor was grinning from ear to ear. After a few months of solitude, he now found himself overwhelmed with offers to go out. He’s dating a couple of great women and a beautiful woman just asked *him* out.
What happened? Those who feel loved and cherished will attract friends and relationships. It’s not unusual to hear, “I couldn’t find a date (let alone a relationship) for ages. Now that I’ve connected I’m getting asked out all the time and of course I have to say no.”
I believe the principle works the same way with careers, jobs and just about everything. When you feel strong and secure in your career, you’re most likely to ace the interview or get a call from a headhunter.
Clients always seem to come from nowhere just when I’m in the middle of two or three big-ticket rush projects.
Law of attraction? Maybe. But I studied philosophy many years ago and we learned about Occam’s Razor. Look for the simplest, most parsimonious explanation. When you radiate confidence and happiness, all sorts of good things happen. Who cares if there’s a universal law at work?
My own job hunting guide doesn’t depend on woo-woo — just clear and simple steps! Click here for the guide.
I thought you and your readers might be interested in this…
The Oprah broadcast of “The Secret” will be February 8th. Also, it will be followed by an International Law of
Attraction Teleconference. If you want more info go to http://www.lawofattractionteleconference.com.
Also, the more posts that Oprah gets on her message boards about a particular topic, the more inclined she is to
repeat the topic. So go to http://www.oprah.com and find the message board for “The Secret” to let her know that you
want more of the same!
Spread the word!
Well, I’m not sure I want to hear much more about The Secret! But I don’t mind spreading the word about Oprah’s show.