Penelope Trunk, The Brazen Careerist, says yes. Here’s a list of tips she just published in her own blog.
They’re pretty good tips, but I’d be cautious about working for free. Writing a free column is a good move because she’d win whether or not she got invited to become a paid columnist. Getting the PR value of publication in a national newspaper is huge.
But before you work for a company for free, or if you propose a project they implement, get a written memo of understanding. “Meredith” agreed to do marketing for a non-profit regional growth association. They promised they would give her a full-time job if a certain grant was funded.
Well, the grant got funded, mostly thanks to Meredith’s hard work. Suddenly everybody forgot what they had promised. They dismissed Meredith as just another volunteer. Meredith received a settlement, with the help of a lawyer. The money was nice, but she now needed a new job.
Even if you’re working for a recommendation letter, spell out the details. People have short memories.
Great article, thank you for a good short read