“So forget what you thought you knew about the world of work. The rules have changed. ‘Ready, aim, fire’ has been replaced by, ‘Aim, fire,aim, fire,aim,fire.’ Searching fora job only when you’re unemployed or unhappy at work has been replaced by the mandate to always be generating opportunities. Networking has been replaced by intelligent networking building.
“The gap is growing between those who know the new career rules and have the skills of a global economy, and those who clutch to old ways of thinking and rely on commoditized skills. The question is, which are you?”
From The Start-Up of You
by Reid Hoffman (cofounder and chairma of LinkedIn) and Ben Casnocha
Hi Cathy:
I think you have it right with the quote about looking ahead in one’s career path in a constant active way, Cathy. The challenge is to lower the stress of always having to be on the lookout of a new opportunity. I think there’s a “tension” here of settling into a job and digging deep, really learning the knowledge base to share with others and do that job very well vs. sort of “skating across the surface” because we have one eye on what’s ahead. Perhaps you could write something more in this regard?
Thanks for the wisdom, as always!
Syracuse, NY