I have to admit I’m enjoying the debate on women and pantyhose: should an employer require women to wear them.
Some time ago Wall Street Journal pointed out some pitfalls of a dress code. Men can get into a lot of trouble when they tell women how to dress.
What I don’t understand: Why don’t women rebel against wearing high heeled shoes? In some jobs, there’s an unspoken code about footwear.
For years, women suffered corns and bunions from wearing uncomfortable shoes. An advertising exec told me her feet looked worse than a ballet dancer’s.
Now we get to wear flats. But a woman in high heels still symbolizes power.
Two years ago I was in an informal networking meeting. Every man in the room wore jeans or khakis with sneakers. Okay ,one had sandals. Every woman in the room wore nice slacks with fitted -shirt tops and cute flats with pointy toes.
Except me. I wore my Asics. Why won’t more women do that?