Just saw a post along these lines on Facebook, with details disguised:
“Suppose you are in an abusive job environment and feel you can’t leave. What can you do in the meantime?”
This question is tough. Here’s what I would advise:
First talk to a mental health professional and/or coach. Build a strong support system so you can keep you inner equilibrium. You also need a reality check on the degree of abuse. If it’s really bad, you’re in a war zone and you may need to leave immediately, as if you had a family emergency. (You do!) Additionally, you need to work on your own personal growth support systems. It’s tempting to self-soothe with cake, cookies and even alcoholic beverages, but those choices just make you feel worse. You lose energy and feel even more frustrated or even depressed.
Caution: Be very careful when working witih anyone, whether health professional or coach. Be especially careful when anyone other than a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist suggests drugs such as anti-depressants. Even then, some mental health professionals say, get a second opinion. On the other hand, be wary of someone who dismisses your pain with, “All in your head” or suggests band-aid quickie solutions. I am not a medical practitioner or mental health professional, so I am just passing on what I’ve picked up by reading and conversations and what I would do myself. Get advice from true experts.
Second, create a Plan B. What would you do if you were fired? Begin to execute that plan because you are, in effect, firing yourself. Additionally, it is not unusual for frustrated workers to find themselves sabotaging their own success. You make a really, really bad mistake. You arrive late to meetings (or skip them altogether). You say the wrong thing to a coworker and pay a heavy price.
Third, if you are developing your own business or practice, invest in good help to accelerate your growth. You don’t need to spend a fortune but a few calls with a pro can save you months and weeks of time, not to mention the lost income.
To get started on career change:Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover