OK, Penelope Trunk thrives on being outrageous. She’s shared a hefty dose of information about her own life (did you know her original name was Adrienne?). She’s written about her own relationship issues, therapy and mental health issues. But mostly she’s been an advocate of an outrageous approach to what used to be called career counseling.
Here’s a BlogTalkRadio podcast of Penelope at her best. It’s just 15 minutes long but she packs a lot of punch into each minute, thanks to an interviewer who just tosses out one question after another.
Penelope hates Tim Ferriss because she doesn’t think he’s got realistic ideas (and she shares why). Ironically, she an Ferriss share a common strategy: they get lots of media attention by being outrageous. After all, most of us couldn’t (or wouldn’t) follow Penelope’s suggestions in her book, Brazen Careerist.
Penelope doesn’t mince words when it comes to the recession. Not working? Just agree to take a pay cut, she suggests. Never mind that (a) many employers are suspicious of employees who downsize and (b) the psychological toll of taking a step backward can be enormous. She does recommend changing fields and starting over, which can be a better way to take a step back.
She also reveals how shes manages to raise two kids and have a career. “I haven’t been to a movie in 3 years,” she says. You have to make sacrifices and trade-offs. Here I think she’s right. I’ve met many business owners who sacrificed not just leisure but even their own health; several gained 20, 50 or even 100 pounds as they built their businesses. The question, “Are you willing to do whatever it takes?” is not an empty one.
Penelope has the luxury of being frivolous; unlike a real career counselor or career coach, she gets to be theoretical. She’s not dealing with a real client sitting in front of her (or talking on the phone) who’s got all kinds of special circumstances, excuses, challenges and side issues. Still, her ideas are entertaining. Click on the link below if you’d like to listen.