Guest Post From Chrisina Merkley:
Every so often I see an article that is so good I want to share with my readers. Today’s Guest Post comes from Christina Merkley, a life coach who has a down-to-earth approach to the Law of Attraction. You don’t have to subscribe to the beliefs of the Law of Attraction to appreciate this article (as you might guess, I’m very left-brained myself). Learn about Christina here, via my affiliate link.
While I make my way up the wait list, I’m taking group lessons with Mac and Carl, the fun teaching duo from Nucleus Golf. This week we were on the putting green – getting instruction on our short game. I’m the rookie in the group as all the others are seasoned golfers. So I’m in the weird position (but invaluable because it stretches me) of having to be a beginner at something again … those of you who have been trained in Interactive-Graphics by me can take heart that I’m having to ‘suck it up’ and go through the newness stage in something too! “I’m Gonna Do It”:
Finding the Feeling Place: In order to manifest something we first need to find the feeling place of achieving it – or, on the flip side … have no ‘resistance’ to having it. The Abraham-Hicks material also tells us that we can also manifest if our desire is really strong — as that desire will counter or trump the resistance we have. Might be a bit bumpy or prolonged process, but with strong desire we’ll get there too. So, in this article I’m talking about golf. But the same premise goes for anything you to want to create. First, you need to develop the ‘feeling place’ of having it. One way to do that is to start with and affirm the success of what you can do and believe (what is already a reality for you) and then stretch yourself bit by bit until you expand to a greater range. Appreciation of the Success We Do Have: So many of my clients don’t appreciate what they already have and what they have already accomplished (I’m guilty of slipping into this too). We denigrate where we are instead of celebrating it. And negatively compare it to where we want to be. The trick is to appreciate where we are. That we are manifestors and creators already. And that we are on an incremental, step-by-step journey of extending our ‘I’m gonna get it’ reach. When I started my career I obviously wasn’t where I am today. It has been a step-by-step journey. Just like my golf skills will be a development over time too (I’ve taken up both golf and painting recently as things I can do for the rest of my life – taking a long-term approach). Both will be a step-by-step, incremental journey. And that is totally normal, natural and ok. Gentle, steady, and soft change is good. It sneaks up on you (just as the greater distances sneak up on you in putting too, when you aren’t so focused on how far you are hitting by on the joy and contact of the hit). Visualize It: Mac also told a story of how he uses visualization to improve his mental/emotional game – which many athletes do nowadays (it’s not so woo woo as it used to be). Going to sleep at night he would do the same putting exercise in his mind, stretching himself to go, in his mind, beyond his natural ‘I’m gonna get it’ line. The funny thing was that even though he was imagining he at first imagined that he missed! He was so programmed to think/feel that way. He gave his head a shake (if one can do that when they are visualizing) and focused in his mind so he made the shot from the longer distance. Making himself get used to that new identity. Acclimatizing to it. Making it ‘but of course I sink it from this distance, that is just me’. Can you see how this applies to anything that you want? We all have natural comfort or familiarity zones, where beyond that zone our doubt and uncertainty kick in – because it’s not natural for ourselves yet. Frankly, that is what my SHIFT-IT coaching work is all about – is acclimatizing people to their new selves. Our self-identity is comfortable only with certain things – the things we know we can do or have. In order to move beyond we need to stretch our comfort and familiarity zones. Sure … to begin with it, what we are stretching into feels weird and foreign, even strange. But the more we stretch into it our self-concept changes. We feel what it feels like to have more and for that to just be normal to us. Integration Activity:
I look forward to hearing of your experiences with this. My thanks to Carl and Mac for their fun and effective golf instruction … and for the creative inspiration for today’s article. Hopefully this has been helpful to you on your manifestation path, even if you aren’t a golfer! =================================================================== |