What the Relocation Services Won’t Tell You

Moving is one of the 10 most stressful life events – right up there with divorce and loss of a loved one.
This Relocation Guide provides answers to the most commonly asked questions, including:
- What is the Number 1 source of moving stress (and what can simple steps can you take to reduce it)?
- Why is it so hard to get personal and emotional support to deal with the stress of moving?
- How can you make sure you’ll fit into your new community (so you feel less lonely and isolated, right from the start)?
- How can you avoid the most stress during a corporate relocation?
- How can you save your sanity when you found your dream job…and it’s located in your least favorite city on the planet?
- How can you move with a family (and keep the kids from hating you forever)?
- What are the worst pitfalls of moving as a single person (and how can you avoid them)?
- Can you move to a new city without a job?
- What’s a realistic timetable for making friends (and how can you avoid killer mistakes that leave you isolated and miserable)?
Download now and begin de-stressing your move right away.
Making the Big Move is the only book that can help you cope with the psychological side of moving. It’s the only book that shows you how to balance career, family and relocation challenges without losing your sanity or your bank account.
Practical and Uplifting
“I just love your Big Move book. I’m nearly a professional mover; twelve years, ten moves. Three of those were cross country ones. Your book is very practical, spiritual and uplifting.
“I have recommended it to numerous students of mine during Coach U classes as well as directly to many of my clients. I would highly recommend this book to anyone contemplating a move or actually doing one.”
— Cynthia Stringer, PCC, CMC
cynthia@succcessbydesign.netYour book was a lifesaver!
“I’m currently reading your Big Move book and am so relieved to have found my sanity!
“Your book touches on each and every thought I’ve had including ones I didn’t know how to express. I kept searching the Internet for sites or forums about relocating but they all referred to the tasks at hand. I needed something to discuss the emotional process.
“Thank you for writing this lifesaver!”
— C. Ramirez, Seattle, WAFound missing piece of the puzzle
“When I read this book, a big “AHA” went off in my head. I’ve moved significant distances six times in my life. The first five times were fun, exciting, and a new adventure. The sixth time, all of that was missing. After I read Cathy’s book, the light bulb went off and I understood what made that move different.
“If you are planning a move, even if it’s two streets up, this book is a ‘MUST READ!'”
— JJ Dippel, Federal Employee, Washington State